We welcome inquiries for undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral positions from creative and hard working individuals.
The lab is home to cutting edge instrumentation to enable collaborative and training opportunities and serve as a focal point for nutriepigenetic cancer research at UBC.
Postdoctoral Positions
Prospective postdoc fellows with a strong record of publications in the field of epigenetics and molecular biology are encouraged to apply. Fellows who seek to apply for or have been awarded their own funding (e.g. CIHR postdoctoral fellowships) are highly favorable. Interested candidates should email me their personal research statement, resume with record of publications, unofficial transcripts, and 3 reference letters.
Graduate Positions
It is never too early to contact me about your interest in pursuing graduate studies in my lab. Prior research experience is expected. Prospective students should consider whether they are competitive for external fellowships (e.g. CIHR, NSERC). Interested student should email me briefly describing their prior research experience, resume, unofficial transcripts, and 3 reference letters.
Undergraduate Positions
Undergraduates are expected to commit several hours per week to work in the lab. Students may obtain course credit or be granted a remunerated internship award for the work done in the lab. This may be completed during the summer, fall or spring semesters. Interested students should email me briefly describing any prior research experience (if applicable), their resume and unofficial transcripts.